June 11, 2012

Home Sweet Home

I drive down our street,coming home from work.. Three young boys toss a football in the middle of the road. It is their street and they own it, yet are wise enough to step back for passing cars. Their mother stands in the front yard, calling out, surely reminding them to be careful. She loves them. Trunk open and packages in her arms another women dodges the affection of her ecstatic German Shepard. She's home! She's home! The glue that holds us together, the sweet moments in life.I hold in my hands the sweet moments of coming home after a day of school or work. Grateful for unbroken rhythms of the day. The relief of coming home to dogs wagging their tails and even the sigh of yet another meal to prepare. Lexi in her favorite rainbow colored animal print pajama bottoms stretched out on the floor in front of the television. Home for the day and clothed in comfort. Homework undone, but time to relax. Struggles and worries put to the back burner until the alarm goes off to start another day of school. Ashley, her long blond hair weaving in and out of the rungs of the chair, chatting and laughing with her best friend Grace. She never seems to worry, she just plans her day, expecting it to meet her expectations.

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