April 30, 2009

Man Plans...

My daughter woke up with pink eye this morning. Of course she did, next week she is to go on the trip that she has been anticipating for the entire school year. She will be fine, most likely, because we caught it in time. What I am worried about is her sister, who is going on a trip with her school next week, too. Will she wake up on the day they are to leave and have pink eye? All we can do is wait.

Pink eye, strep throat, and norovirus chase us around before and during every special event we plan. Whenever we went on vacation my husband would get sick every single time. While he visited the bathroom and stayed in bed, the rest of us hung out at the hotel pool. Once we basically flushed half a weeks pass to Disney World down the toilet. We always left home feeling great and always came back home defeated. Yet, every year my husband planned our vacation and couldn't wait to go. I pasted a smile on face and nodded and agreed to hotels and amusement parks and landmarks we would pay for but never get to see.

I once spent an entire week sewing a Halloween costume for my younger daughter to wear to the school party. She was five years old and enchanted with the costume and couldn't wait to walk in the parade and show off her swirly skirt. On the morning of the party she came downstairs and threw up on the living room carpet. It was her first lesson in things do not always go as you have planned.

It must have been meant to be, is the attitude my older daughter has taken when plans have to be abandoned due to illness. I appreciate her understanding, but it makes me sad that she has to say it so often.

I never hold my breath.

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